FDOC Week – Fall Trail Kids 2024

FDOC Week - Fall Trail Kids 2024

In case anyone is not familiar with the term "FDOC", it stands for First Day of Class, and back in my day it was one of the best days of school every year.  First days are amazing for many reasons, but mostly because you get to see all of your old friends, meet plenty of new ones, and set the tone for what the coming year is going to be like!  Of course, for Trail Kids, we only have 6 weeks of classes, but none the less, this past Monday was an FDOC for the books.

While coaches met parents and signed in Trail Kids, Phat Tire did bike checks to ensure that every bike on the field was ready to ride.  Once checked in and through the bike check, Trail Kids started ripping up the grass skills course and finding friends.  Carefully, coaches formed their groups and then gathered at their flags before hitting the trails.

Once on the trails, it seemed like no one could stop smiling.  Pedals were spinning, derailleurs shifting, and lessons were taught.  Everything from level pedals to keeping your fingers on the breaks was brought up, to make sure the Trail Kids had their basics down so that future lessons would be able to build on a solid skill base!

After some time out on the trails meeting their groups, getting familiar with their coaches, and reviewing the basics, begrudgingly everyone headed back to the field for pickup.

On Wednesday, all the energy that was felt on FDOC came rushing back to BSB as Trail Kids checked in and grouped up with their coaches.  With a full evening of lessons ahead, groups quickly spread out across Slaughter Pen to work on their riding.  Groups traveled all the way to The Castle, Walters Whistle at the Tech Hub, Leopards Loop, and even Urban Trail.

As I worked hard to visit as many groups as I could and snap some photos of lessons in action, I noticed that my face started to hurt from smiling.  Suddenly, I realized that around every turn I was finding BSB groups working on their turning skills, reviewing shifting, and carefully reviewing technical sections of trail before riding them.  Trail Kids were already helping each other to work through difficult sections, or helping each other get back up after falling.

It was evident that the magic of Trail Kids was back in the air in Slaughter Pen, and as the groups cruised back into the field after their first full session of lessons, smiles shone and fist bumps flew.  We can not wait to see what week 2 brings!

Happy Trails,

Sebastian Wallach

BSB Media

FDOC Trail Kids Gallery

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